sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014

Love in times of cholera

Name: Love in times of cholera
Artist:Gabriel García Marquéz
This novela was written by the columbian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez in 1985. It was published in 1985. It tells the liege of three main characters in the end of the Six century in Cartagena.

I don't wants to go back alone

Name: I don't want to go back alone
Director:Daniel Riberro and Diana Almeida 
Actors: Guilherme Lobo and Fabiola Audi.

The short film "I don't want to go back alone" is a Brazilian  Film, forested and written by Daniel riberro. The production was led by Daniel Riberro, Diana Almeida.The protagonists are Guilherme Lobo and Fabiola Audi.

This short film was filmed at Brazil in 2010. The films name changed from being called "all the simple things" to I  don't want to go back alone in 2013. It won the Iris prize in 2011 and it came out in the panorama fair in Berlin.

Para Elisa

Name: Para Elisa
Artist: Ludwig Van Beethoven

The song “Para Elisa” was composited for the German composer Ludwig Van Beethoven, was published in 1867, that song use piano and is very relaxed. 


Name: Titanic
Date: 1997
Director: James Cameron.

This film “Titanic” was directed by James Cameron in the year of 1997, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. The films talks about a flood of a boat and a pair of lovers they could not be together. The movie was winning of Oscar award in 1997, with 11 statues and 14 nominations.

The Singing Ringing Tree

Name: The Singing Ringing Tree
Artist: Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu.
Date: 2006

The wind-powered musical sculpture was  made of galvanized steel pipes, it stands high above the English town of Burnley. The pipes swirl to form the shape of a tree bent and blown by the wind, and produce a melodious sound as the constant wind on Crown Point drifts through them.

It is  3-meter-tall!!
It was completed in 2006. 
The Tree was designed by award-winning architects Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu.

Office Stress

Name: Office stress

Artist:Kurt Wenner

The office stress was painted with color chalk; this tipe of art is called3D chalk street art.
It was painted by Kurt Wenner in front of a soulless Office Building in Mantua, Italy.
This painting shows the way of the life that people develop by working inside of an office.

Self portrait with a monkey.

Name: Self portrait with a monkey.

Artist: Frida Khalo.
Date: 1045.

This self portrait was painted by frida Calo in 1945. It was created in company of her monkey,dog and her columbian idol.
The self portrait was singed with a yellow ribbon that passes throw a nail.