sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014

Self portrait with a monkey.

Name: Self portrait with a monkey.

Artist: Frida Khalo.
Date: 1045.

This self portrait was painted by frida Calo in 1945. It was created in company of her monkey,dog and her columbian idol.
The self portrait was singed with a yellow ribbon that passes throw a nail.

4 comentarios:

  1. your blog was very interesting anddiverse as there are different artists and different styles, frida Khalo was a very good artist as she painted what had happened in this life and people believed his style was surreal, but it was actually very real, I love you blog.. enjoy visit :)

    Lorna Sarai Gaytan Hurtado 5-C

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  3. this painting is very good, I love seeing as depicted in this painting the hidden beauty in the simple things. good job girls.
    Luis Eduardo Ramírez Navarro 5*C

  4. Feur Elise es a great song, I like listening classical music when I'm doing homework, because is very relaxing and this soung is one of my favorites.
    Greetings guys.
